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Tones your skin

Do you know how to properly maintain your skin?

La Peel is the largest organ in the body, but sometimes despite external and environmental influences, it does not get the importance it needs. Colds are especially dangerous in winter, because they can dry out the skin and require additional hydration. In contrast, in summer, heat and sweat will make the skin oilier and require more cleansing.

skin tones
skin tones

Good hydration starts from the inside. Drink plenty of water during the day, especially water and juice, and feed foods that provide good vitamins. But it also requires small external partners, such as creams, gels, serums, etc. Which treatment skin care. Therefore, we recommend controlling the cleanliness and moisture of the skin on the face and neck in accordance with daily habits. The following are examples of recommended facial treatments.

The 1: step: facial cleansing. We need to clean our faces so that there is no dirt and everything is clean. For this, we rinse with warm water and clean with foam gel or soap. Some people use gel, soap and other facial cleansers. It depends on the person and skin type. The product selected for this function should ensure that your left face feels cool and clean at the end of this phase. To do this, you can use the sponge shown in the picture, or you can just use your fingers to make circular motions. Review opinions.

 Step 2: Skin tone Once your skin becomes clean, you need to condition and close the excess pores that are often left behind. A tonic lotion that helps to condition and strengthen the skin. This step is mainly used for people with normal skin/combination skin and oily skin. Many people do not have dry 
skin because most medicines usually contain a certain proportion of alcohol. Use the cleaning pan to apply the toner to a small area of ​​skin. You should never use a tonic that makes us feel dry or red at the end of the application. If so, you need to find non-alcoholic tonics.

 Step 3: Use the eye shape. This is a special treatment for the shape of the eye. The round skin that makes up the eye bones is more sensitive than other skins on the face, so it needs to be checked very carefully. This treatment has a cream called eye contour, which is used at certain ages. We recommend using this special skin care from the age of 25. Apply a small amount of cream to your fingers, evenly and gently spread on the skin, do not rub the area. As mentioned above, this is a very delicate area and should be treated as such. The important thing to know at this stage is that the creams usually used on the face cannot be used for the shape of the eyes, and vice versa. Continued use will damage the skin in the area.
Step 4: After facial moisturizing is clean, hardened and smooth, the only way to keep the skin shiny and perfect is to moisturize. Moisturizing is essential for all skin types, dry, combination, normal or oily. People with oily skin are sometimes confused with hydration because there is too much sebum on the skin, and in many cases, they take this step because they think the skin itself will hydrate. Oily skin needs hydration just like normal skin. In fact, dry skin needs more moisture because the skin is stronger and more likely to dry out. Therefore, use the moisturizer that best supports the skin and apply it with your fingers up around the facial skin, and slightly apply to the neck area. Always massage the area from the inside out with gentle movements to increase the absorption of the cream.

A neat face will look great:

This is a daily step to keep the skin clean and hydrated. However, there are other professional products, such as scrubs, serums, facial masks, etc. Apply in time (once or twice a week) to help deep cleansing or more serious hydration.


There are many cleansing gels, facial soaps, toners, gel-like, cream-like, liquid-like moisturizing creams, etc. on the market. The problem is trying to find the best product for your skin type. One trick is to replace the moisturizer (even if it is good) so that the skin cannot use the same cream because when you use it for the first time, it will stop providing good results.

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