Four seasons skin care, treat spring, summer, autumn and winter differently:
Cold, dry weather can cause your skin to become swollen, red, and itchy. You can help your skin retain its natural moisture by following the tips in this article. Cold and cold weather has a huge impact on your skin. You may think that there is no way to get rid of the effects of cold on the skin. As the weather gets colder and drier, skin care becomes more important to prevent skin damage. You may be one of those people who enjoy sitting in front of a fireplace and a fireplace and enjoying the heat, but research shows that this process causes skin to dry out. You may find that taking a hot shower in is very gentle and warms your body, but the truth is that removing hot water and natural skin oils dries it out, but don't worry because there are several ways you can get rid of it. Help keep your skin dry and hydrated in the winter. You can help keep your skin healthy in cold weather by making some simple lifestyle changes, such as avoiding hot showers, using strong moisturizers after showering, and drinking plenty of fluids. Here are some tips to take care of your skin in winter to feel comfortable on days.
Top 10 Tips for healthy skin in winter:
Use a vaporizer to increase the humidity in the room.
Using a vaporizer in your room or workplace will keep your skin dry in winter and prevent your skin from drying out. Keep the chimney in the room where you spend most of your time, such as the bedroom.
Turn off the heat.
What do you do first when the air is cold? Increase the heater flame! But keep in mind that a large heater flame dries the air in the house. Try warming it up to room temperature so you feel comfortable and don't dry out your skin.
Lower the water temperature and bath time.
Hot and steamy baths usually tempt you to stay in the shower longer, but did you know that they make your skin drier? It is best to take a hot shower and shower for 5 to 10 minutes. Avoid very hot water when washing your hands. If the water turns your hands red, this indicates that they are very hot. Researchers said that washing hands with cold water, such as hot water, kills germs and reduces skin inflammation. If you dry your hands with the dryer after leaving the bathroom, try to keep your hands under the machine until they are slightly damp and completely dry.

seasons skin care
Use a mild, fragrance-free soap.
Using the right soap can cause severe itching and dry skin. For example, regular use of soap that smells and contains irritants leads to skin irritation. When shopping, look for products with odorless labels. In general, you can reduce the use of soap to avoid skin problems in the winter, so you should try to use less soap to wash hands, armpits, genitals and feet.
Change up your skincare schedule for the winter.
Try to use strong hydrating and moisturizing products on cold days. Avoid products that work to tighten the skin because these products contain alcohol, which can further dry the skin. When your skin is dry and itchy, your doctor will advise you to avoid products that contain alcohol and fragrances to maintain your skin's natural oiliness. At bedtime, use a strong moisturizer for your face and don't fail to moisturize your lips. Researchers claim that using special moisturizing products helps remove dry lips, remove chapped lips, and prevent shine. If lip care products cause a burning or stinging sensation, it should be changed and another product should be used.
Oil your skin regularly, especially your hands.
Cleanse your dry skin with moisturizer after every hand wash to keep your skin healthy. Applying creams or ointments in cold weather is a great option, and using lotions is good for hot, humid weather. According to doctors, hand washing is a very important step to avoid colds and flu in cold weather, but at the same time you should moisturize your skin with moisturizing products, as regular hand washing will harm it. Applying moisturizer after every wash can be very helpful. Doctors recommend using waterproof gloves when washing dishes or cleaning the house.
Even on cloudy winter days, use sunscreen.
According to the Skin Cancer Institute, on winter days when there is a lot of snow on the ground, you should use sunscreen because this beautiful, luscious snow reflects 80% of the sun's rays and increases the risk of damage.
Eat right, drink plenty of water.
In some cases, when the skin is very dry, foods or supplements containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (such as fish oil or linseed oil) can be helpful. In most cases, you should use a moisturizer when you leave home to prevent your skin from drying out.
Change wet clothes immediately to prevent itchy skin.
Wearing wet shoes and clothes can cause dermatitis and itching. If your gloves, socks and pants get wet, please change them as soon as possible. If you still feel dry, sore and sore skin after following all the above suggestions, you can see a doctor for guidance. 1 Hydrocortisone cream may help. If your condition does not improve after a few days, consult your doctor, because you need a very strong moisturizer to get rid of the effects of dry skin caused by the cold in winter.